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Errors in the summary of the featured article lemba

Please do not remove this invisible timestamp. See WT:ERRORS and WP:SUBSCRIBE. - Dank (push to talk) 01:24, 29 September 2022 (UTC)

Today's FA lemba

Tomorrow's FA lemba

Day-after-tomorrow's FA lemba

Errors with "In the news" lemba

Errors in "Did you know ..." lemba

Current DYK lemba

Next DYK lemba

Next-but-one DYK lemba

Errors in "On this day" lemba

Today's OTD lemba

Tomorrow's OTD lemba

Day-after-tomorrow's OTD lemba

Errors in the summary of the featured list lemba

Friday's FL lemba

(Error: Invalid time.)

Monday's FL lemba

(Error: Invalid time.)

Errors in the summary of the featured picture lemba

Today's POTD lemba

  Moved from Wikipedia:Village pump (miscellaneous)

Tomorrow's POTD lemba

Any other Main Page errors lemba

Please report any such problems or suggestions for improvement at the General discussion section of Talk:Main Page.